Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
A Computer Program for Inelastic Analysis of 3-Dimenstional Reinforced-Concrete and Steel Seismic Buildings | Cheng, Frankliny and Mertz, Gregory E | Prepared By National Science Foundation | | |
A History of Japanese railways 1872-1999 | | Government Publivcation, Japan | | |
A Report on Damage to Reinforced Concrete Buildings | | Maruzen Company Limited, USA | | |
A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural Disasters | National Research Council Staff, Washington, DC | National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA | 1991 | |
A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural Disasters | National Research Council Staff, Washington D.C. | National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. | 1991 | |
A Special Issue of Soils and Foundation on Geotechnical Aspects of the January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake (No.1) | | Japanese Standard | | |
A Special Issue of Soils and Foundation on Geotechnical Aspects of the January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake (No.2) | | | | |
Acceptable Risk Processes:Lifelines and Natural Hazards | Taylor, Craig (Editor) | ASCE | | |
ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection | ACI | American Concrete Institute, Detroit | c1967 | |
ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection | | American Concrete Institute, Detroit | 1967 | |
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