Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
An Introduction to the Theory of Seismology (3rd ed.) | Bullen, K.E & Bolt, Bruce A. | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge | 1963 | |
An Introduction to the Theory of Seismology (3rd ed.) | Bullen, K.E & Bolt, Bruce A. | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge | 1963 | |
An Introduction to the Theory of Seismology (4th ed.) | Bullen, K.E & Bolt, Bruce A. | Cambridge University Press | 1985 | |
Anatomy of Seismographs | Ota, Kulhanek | Elsevier, Amesterdom | 1990 | |
Anchorage and the Alaska Earthquake of March 27, 1964 | Glen Virgil Berg and James L. Stratta | American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, USA | 1964 | |
Anchorage and the Alaska Earthquake of March27, 1964 | Berg,Glem Virgil and James,Stratta L | American iron and Steel Institute, New York | 1964 | |
API RP 1117 Movement of In-Service Pipelines | | American Petroleum Institute | | |
Applied Structural | Spiegel, Leonard and Limbrunner, George F | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Chiffs | 1986 | |
Applied Structural | Spiegel, Leonard and Limbrunner, George F | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Chiffs | c1986 | |
Appraisal of Existing Structures | | The Institute of Structural Engineers | | |
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